Bedford, NH 03110 Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8 AM - 4:30 PM Phone: 603-472-8104 Fax: 603-4724573 0000002082 00000 n © 2017 Bedford Charter Township MI. Auditors: Sharon Manges, Cathy Jacobs. Email: **Disclaimer: BS&A Software provides BS&A Online as a way for municipalities to display information online and is not responsible for the content or accuracy of the data herein. It began in 1923, shortly after the State created its own organization for Townships. Look at public records for Monroe County, MI assessment info here. Bedford, Township of - Bedford County - Liquid Fuels Tax Fund for the Period January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 12/08/2020 Audit Report 321 Bedford Road Bedford Hills, NY 10507 914.666.5149 fax 914.864.0060. All rights reserved.. Powered By Revize LoginRevize Login 0000002151 00000 n The Bedford County Sanitary Corp. will remain sewer enforcement officer for the municipality and CPA Associates of Huntingdon will be utilized to conduct the annual township audit … **Disclaimer: BS&A Software provides BS&A Online as a way for municipalities to display information online and is not responsible for the content or accuracy of the data herein. Office Hours: Mon - Fri 8 am - 5 pm. Come back Soon! Board of Township Trustees Bedford Township 19135 CR18 Warsaw, Ohio 43844 We have reviewed the Independent Auditors’ Report of Bedford Township, Coshocton County, prepared by Wilson, Phillips & Agin, CPA’s, Inc., for the audit period January 1, 2015 through December 31, 2016. Naperville Township is located in the Southwest corner of DuPage County, IL; approximately 35 miles west of Chicago.The Township is a 36 square mile area bordered by Kane (Kautz Rd.) The Bedford Township Board of Supervisors will hold public meetings on the first Tuesday and third Tuesday of the month at 4:00 pm. Notice of Registration for November 3, 2020 General Election Absent Voter Application Absent Voter Application - fillable Federal Post Card Application - for military and overseas civilian voters Michigan Online Absent Voter Ballot Application Auditors Jeff Warner Sebrina Shanks Eric Matthews. This data is provided for reference only and WITHOUT WARRANTY of any kind, expressed or inferred. Mailing Address: P.O. Bedford County . 0000001532 00000 n Bedford County. Lawrence County Auditor. 0000000971 00000 n City, Village & Township Revenue Sharing Incentive Program. 0000000831 00000 n Johnstown Township Supervisor 2901 W Shore Dr , Battle Creek, MI 49017 Johnstown Township Treasurer 994 W Hickory Rd , Battle Creek, MI 49017 Johnstown Township Building 13641 S M 37 Hwy , Battle Creek, MI 49017 Bedford Township Assessor's Office 115 S Uldriks Dr , 0000003956 00000 n 25081 SR 79 . Fax: (814) 624-2619. The Township is rural and historical in character, among its farms, covered bridges and small villages are quaint family homes and unique shops. Bedford Township accounts for the Sewer Fund operations in an enterprise fund. Email: Bradford County. BEDFORD TOWNSHIP MEIGS COUNTY Regular Audit December 31, 2005 and 2004 Board of Trustees Bedford Township 42774 Helwig Ridge Shade, Ohio 45776 We have reviewed the Independent Accountants’ Reportof Bedford Township, Meigs County, prepared by Perry & Associates, CPA’s, A.C. for the audit period January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2005. Please contact your local municipality if you believe there are errors in the data. Bedford Township . Bedford Township . 200 South Juliana Street. New Funding Package Improves New New Funding Package ImprovesRoads, Bridges, and Public Safety Warmer … Menu & Reservations Make Reservations . The Bedford County Courthouse is open Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and, Southern Alleghenies Planning & Development Commission. Bedford Township Supervisors 1007 Shed Road PO Box 148 Bedford, PA 15522 Menu & Reservations Make Reservations . When Bedford Township was started in 1836, primarily rural with only 60 families, they were not worried about connectivity. Reviews (269) 965-9096 Website. Additional financial information for the Charter Township of Bedford can be found in the documents below. **Disclaimer: BS&A Software provides BS&A Online as a way for municipalities to display information online and is not responsible for the content or accuracy of the data herein. 0000003248 00000 n Bedford Township Supervisors contact information. We have conducted a compliance audit of the Bedford Township Nonuniformed Pension Plan for the period January 1, 2005, to December 31, 2007. Contact Information Krista Jandasek, Treasurer 734-224-7327 Nicole Knapp, Deputy Treasurer 734-224-7324 Amy Hogberg, Utilities Clerk Fax: same Independent Auditor’s Report The Honorable Allen D. Biehler, P.E. Bedford Township Government Center 8100 Jackman Rd Temperance, MI 48182 734-847-6791 Township Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Drive thru 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Township Building: 1410 Mountain Road, Artemas, PA 17211 Phone: 814-784-5416. BEDFORD COUNTY NURSING HOME SHELBYVILLE, TENNESSEE AUDITED … INDEPENDENT AUDITOR'S REPORT Board of Trustees Bedford County Nursing Home Shelbyville, Tennessee We have audited the accompanying financial statements of Bedford … Shawswick Township Assessor 916 15th St Bedford IN 47421. The organization “performed well over the past year” and recorded its 10th consecutive annual operating surplus in the general fund, County Administrator and Chief Financial Officer Michael Bosanac told the board. except Thursday, May 7th and Thursday, November 5 these meetings will be held at 4:00 pm. Christine Eichler, Assessor. 0000002307 00000 n 0000003429 00000 n 0000001027 00000 n Dave Yost Auditor of State May 29, 2012 Coshocton County . Our responsibility is to express opinions on these financial statements based on our audit… 0000001874 00000 n The letter outlines that 40 state politicians requested the audit before the State Board of Canvassers certified the election results. Peddler/Solicitor License Application. 2013 Tax Collectors & Collections REAL ESTATE FACE REBATE PENALTIES TOTAL Bedford Boro $ 499,031.27 $ (8,622.45) $ 1,559.64 $ 491,968.46 Beth Runk. Earned Income: Keystone Collections Group … and Lisle (Washington/Modaff) Townships to the north and east respectively. Bedford Debt Service Report County Drain 2019. The valuation of all township properties is an annual procedure. The use and distribution of this information provides an indirect benefit to any individual who wishes to buy, sell or finance property in Bedford Township. BEDFORD TOWNSHIP -02. C&C Landfill is open Monday- Friday from 7:00 AM - 4:30 PM and Saturday from 7:00 AM - … FOIA Request Form. Voter Registration Application. The Auditor is the principal financial officer in county government and is defined under IC 36-2-9-2 as the fiscal officer of the county. 2014 TAX DUPLICATE TWP. Clarion County . 0000001707 00000 n The Auditor serves as a secretary to the Board of Commissioners, the Clerk to the County Council and must prepare and file an annual financial report with the State Board of Accounts. 0000002449 00000 n Located in the southwestern part of the county, it borders the following townships: Jefferson Township - north Bethlehem Township - northeast corner Perry Township - west Washington Township - south Pike Township - southwest Newcastle Township - northwest corner Jackson Township - east No municipalities are located in Bedford Township, although the unincorporated communities of Tunnel … Bedford Township . 25081 SR 79 . This service for Calhoun County residents is for recycling ONLY and not general trash. 126 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 129 /H [ 1027 505 ] /L 228486 /E 5052 /N 17 /T 225847 >> endobj xref 126 24 0000000016 00000 n 22 Publication: The Times-Mail i Location: Bedford, Indiana Issue Date: Thursday, October 9, 1980 Page: 22 Start Free Trial. and Will (87th St.) Counties to the west and south and by Winfield (Townline Rd.) Bedford Township Coshocton County 23492 CR 17 Coshocton, Ohio 43812 We have performed the procedures enumerated below, which were agreed to by the Board of Trustees and the management of Bedford Township, Coshocton County, Ohio (t he Township) and the Auditor of State, on the receipts, West St. Clair Township, Bedford County, elected and appointed officials, township supervisors, Secretary/Treasurer, Solicitor, Auditors, Tax Collector, Enginee. They make written recommendations to County management to increase the efficiency and/or effectiveness of the control systems of functions reviewed. Copy and paste this code into your website. All rights reserved.. Powered By Revize LoginRevize Login Bedford Budget 2019. Warsaw, Ohio 43844 . Reviews (812) 275-5695. Contact Open Records Officer: Bedford Township Supervisors 1007 Shed Road P.O. The assessment is the value upon which a property’s taxes are based. Election Inspectors Application. Third Floor, Suite 300. Bedford Township, Meigs County, Ohio (the Township) and the Auditor of State agreed, solely to assist the Board in evaluating receipts, disbursements and balances recorded in their cash-basis accounting records for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008, and certain compliance requirements related to these transactions and balances. 0000002220 00000 n This data is provided for reference only and WITHOUT WARRANTY of any kind, expressed or inferred. Bedford Township Precinct Map. 8100 Jackman Rd – PO Box H. Temperance, MI 48182. Get directions, reviews and information for Bedford Township Assessor's Office in Battle Creek, MI. These financial statements are the responsibility of Charter Township of Bedford, Michigan’s management. Coshocton County . Enterprise funds are used to report the same functions presented as business-type activities in the government-wide financial statements. The Assessor is appointed by the Town Board to a six-year term. Add to your favorites list to check back often. Charter Township of Bedford, Michigan as of and for the year ended December 31, 2007, which collectively comprise the Township’s basic financial statements as listed in the table of contents. No statement on this site is a commitment to make a loan. We have conducted a compliance audit of the Bedford Township Nonuniformed Pension Plan for the period January 1, 2005, to December 31, 2007. Loans are subject to borrower qualifications, including income, property evaluation, sufficient equity in the home to meet Loan-to-Value requirements, and final credit approval. STATE GOVERNMENT AGENCIES AND PROGRAMS: Auditor General- Municipal Pension 717-787-1159. Thank You for Visiting West St. Clair Township's Website. We have performed the procedures enumerated below, which the Board of Trustees and the with management of Bedford Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, (the Township) agreed, solely to assist the Board in evaluating receipts, disbursements and balances recorded in their cashbasis accounting - records for the years … Bedford County . Allegations of voter fraud have circulated since November, shortly after results indicated President-elect Joseph Biden, a Democrat, defeated Republican President Donald Trump, who flipped the historically Democratic state in the 2016 election. Township of south woodbury bedford county 05-221 liquid fuels tax fund examination report for the two years ended december 31, 2008 … View Doc . Sue Iott-Garrison, Assessor. Appointed 4-2-2019: 6 Yr Term: End of Term: 12-31-2023. Please contact your local municipality if you believe there are errors in the data. Adopt a Road 2019 Adopt A Road Shirt Shirt Logo DIRECTORY OF PHONE NUMBERS Sometimes hard to find Adopt A Road Monroe County Bedford Library Bedford Memory Tree Application Buckeye CDC TICKS CDC Stop Ticks to Avoid Lyme CDC Preventing Tick Bites Consumers Energy Streetlight Outage Direct TV Direct TV Spanish Dish Network Frontier Michigan Helping Michigan s Hardest Hit Homeowners Funds … 0000001510 00000 n Bedford Township Fire Department was established in 1945 on Temperance Rd. Bedford Township is located in Bedford County, in south – central Pennsylvania, with a population of 5,395 (2010 Census). We have performed the procedures enumerated below, which the Board of Trustees and the with management of Bedford Township, Coshocton County, Ohio, (the Township) agreed, solely to assist the 24 North Amherst Rd. Previous Next × Cancel. Total Real Estate Total Interim Tax Total Per Capita TOTAL DUPLICATE Bedford Borough $ 533,841.12 $ 2,082.92 $ 6,750.00 $ 542,674.04 The mission of the Bedford Township Fire Department is to save, serve and protect the citizens and their property to the best of our ability. 0000002276 00000 n Bedford, PA 15522. This data is provided for reference only and WITHOUT WARRANTY of any kind, expressed or inferred. This community has now grown to 31,000, but still lacks connectivity. 0000001971 00000 n Mission Statement . Phone: 814-623-8296 Fax: 814-623-5695 Email: Bedford, Township of - Bedford County - Liquid Fuels Tax Fund for the Period January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019 12/08/2020 Audit Report Phone: (814) 624-2618. 0000003617 00000 n Bedford, PA 15522 . INDEPENDENT AUDITOR’S REPORT Bedford Township Meigs County 42774 Helwig Ridge Shade, Ohio 45776 To the Board of Trustees: Report on the Financial Statements We have audited the accompanying financial statements and related notes of Bedford Township, Meigs County, Ohio (the Township), as of and for the years ended December 31, 2013 and 2012. Industrial Facility Tax Exemption Application. Search for file type: Please click on one of the categories below to see uploaded documents. Auditor General-Fire audits 717-787-1308 3078 Bedford Valley Road Bedford Township Auditor H. Richard Sell 4584 Woodbury Pike Woodbury Township Supervisor D John G. Black 125 Husick Lane Saxton Joe Dunn 264 Dunn Road Schellsburg School Director Amy K Claar - Gill 165 Windy Hill Lane Claysburg David L Ferguson 1103 Adams Run Road Leonard Lenny Barefoot 239 Oldham Road Alum Bank Gary W Pensyl Jr. 2391 Madley Hollow Road … © 2017 Bedford Charter Township MI. Young Township Volunteer Fireman’s Relief Association - Indiana County - Audit Period January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2019; 12/07/2020 Audit Report COPYRIGHT 2018 © THE COUNTY OF BEDFORD, PAPRIVACY STATEMENT    TERMS OF USEThe Bedford County Courthouse is open Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Closed on Holidays. Based upon this review, we have accepted these reports in lieu of the audit Bedford, PA 15522 . 421 Main St, Suite 39 Clarion, PA 16214 814-226-4000 x2710. 0000004151 00000 n Bedford Township maintains one type of proprietary fund. Please contact your local municipality if you believe there are errors in the data. Charter Township of Bedford residents are eligible to use C&C Landfill Recycling Center, located at 14800 P Dr. N in Marshall, at no charge. The Bedford County Township Officials Association (BCTOA) is an organization of all 25 townships in Bedford County. Township Main Office 115 S. Uldriks Dr. Battle Creek, MI 49037 Phone: 269.968.6917 Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 7:30 AM-noon and 12:30-4:30 PM Closed Friday Bedford Township is responsible for compliance with these laws and regulations. CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT . With Covid hitting, and the economy shut down is Bedford Township broke financially? Main Phone Number: (814) 623-4803. Board of Township Supervisors . We have an annual convention the third Monday of October each year. Share this page on your favorite Social network. Bedford Township Meigs County Independent Auditor’s Report Page 2 Basis for Adverse Opinion on U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles As described in Note 1 of the financial statements, the Township prepared these financial statements using the accounting basis permitted by the financial reporting provisions of Ohio Revised Code Section We respond to 911 medical and fire emergencies within the Township. H�b```f``af`e``�e`@ �;GCLX������TF�CL�x28op�p%ss����v��i���`I6��d��Zgڴ2^zvF�.�Q�IU1��C,��r����M��Y)��ޣ�q�1���MƦ�]. The County Auditor's are responsible for planning and conducting operational, financial, and compliance audits to evaluate the adequacy and effectiveness of internal controls. The Assessor is responsible for setting the assessed value of buildings and land within a property. 0000004714 00000 n **Disclaimer: BS&A Software provides BS&A Online as a way for municipalities to display information online and is not responsible for the content or accuracy of the data herein. Bedford Dashboard 2019. Bedford Township Assessor's Office 115 S Uldriks Dr Battle Creek MI 49037. Box 148 Bedford, PA 15522. Board of Trustees Bedford Township 25081 State Route 79 Warsaw, OH 43844 We have reviewed the Independent Auditor's Report of Bedford Township, Coshocton County, prepared by Wolfe, Wilson, & Phillips, Inc., for the audit period January 1, 2001 through December 31, 2002. bedford pa 15522 623-9371 020 bedford township alicia leydig 1007 shed road st#103, bedford pa 15522 310-0621 f 310-0617 030 bloomfield township beverly ritchey 3375 lafayette road, bakers summit, pa 16673 224-5938 040 broad top township chloe stevenson p o box 57, defiance,pa. Phone: 814-623-8296 Fax: 814-623-5695 Email: (734) 224-7353. Auditor Listing. BERLIN TOWNSHIP – 03. Building and Planning … / BORO. The legal firm of Allison & Richards Attorneys-at-Law of Bedford will continue to represent the township as its solicitor and the Keystone Collections Agency will continue to serve as township wage tax collector. Contact Open Records Officer: Bedford Township Supervisors 1007 Shed Road P.O. 0000004793 00000 n Hello Everyone, This is another question that keeps coming up on social media. 200 Juliana Street, Rm 300 Bedford, PA 15522 814-623-4803. Auditors Karen Williams Mary Rowzer Carol Ann Miller. 2837 Briar Valley Road, Bedford, Pa. 15522. 0000002601 00000 n Mission Statement: The Bedford Township Assessor's mission is to establish and maintain the valuation of all properties within the Township. Planning and Zoning Department. Township Building: 187 Municipal Road, Defiance, PA 16633 Phone: 814-928-5253 Warsaw, Ohio 43844 . Secretary Department of Transportation Harrisburg, PA 17120 We examined the accompanying Forms MS-965 With Adjustments for the Liquid Fuels Tax Fund of the Township of Colerain, Bedford County, for the two years ended December 31, 2008. 0000001790 00000 n Box 57, Defiance, PA 16633. The auditors are located at the Bedford County Courthouse. trailer << /Size 150 /Info 123 0 R /Root 127 0 R /Prev 225836 /ID[] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 127 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 121 0 R /Metadata 125 0 R /Outlines 130 0 R /PageMode /UseOutlines /OpenAction 128 0 R >> endobj 128 0 obj << /S /GoTo /D [ 129 0 R /Fit ] >> endobj 148 0 obj << /S 311 /O 478 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 149 0 R >> stream 301 Main Street Towanda, PA 18848 570-265-1716. . Box 148 Bedford, PA 15522. %PDF-1.4 %���� Board of Township Supervisors . Get directions, reviews and information for Shawswick Township Assessor in Bedford, IN. the Ohio Constitution, and the Revised Code, policies, procedures and guidelines of the Auditor of State, regulations and grant requirements. Over the past 200 years, limestone from our local quarries has been used to construct some of America's most enduring structures, including the Empire State Building, the Pentagon, the National Cathedral and our own beautiful county courthouse. Bedford Township . The audit was conducted pursuant to authority derived from Section 402(j) of Act 205 and in accordance with Government Auditing This data is provided for reference only and WITHOUT WARRANTY of any kind, expressed or inferred. Monroe County property records are on®! Municipal Tax: Christina Diehl. Bedford County . These and other results were revealed in an annual audit review held during the Monroe County Board of Commissioners’ meeting last week. Welcome to Lawrence County Located in South Central Indiana, Lawrence County is, quite literally, part of the bedrock of our nation. Please contact your local municipality if you believe there are errors in the data. Township of south woodbury bedford county 05-221 liquid fuels tax fund examination report for the two years ended december 31, 2008 ... Bedford County and the auditor's reports are an integral part of this report. We have conducted a compliance audit of the Cumberland Valley Township Volunteer Firemen’s Relief Association (relief association) pursuant to authority derived from Article VIII, Section 10 of the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Section 403 of The Fiscal Code, Act of April 9, 1929, (P.L.343, No. 200 South Juliana Street,  Bedford, Pennsylvania 15522  |  (814) 623-4807  | Bedford Township 42774 Helwig Ridge Shade, Ohio 45776 We have reviewed the Independent Accountants’ Report of Bedford Township, Meigs County, prepared by Perry & Associates, CPA’s, A.C. for the audit period January 1, 2004 through December 31, 2005. 1923, shortly after the State created its own organization for Townships,... The election results data is provided for reference only and WITHOUT WARRANTY of any kind expressed... 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